2023 SJSU Day of Remembrance

San Jose State University Day of Remembrance

San José State students recognized the university’s involvement in the incarceration of people of Japanese descent. The students are working to raise awareness, document, and memorialize the role San José State University played in the incarceration of Japanese Americans acting as a processing center for Santa Clara County to carry out Executive Order 9066. This included having Japanese American employees and students of the university assist in the processing of their own community members.

Japanese American students and employees and their SJSU allies were surveilled and 2,487 Japanese Americans were processed before being forced on buses to concentration camps in unknown locations for an unspecified  period of time.

SJSU honored Yoshihiro Uchida by naming the former Spartan Complex and then Men’s Gym, as Uchida Hall. It served as a processing center for Japanese incarceration at SJS College, now known as San José State University.

San Jose JACL members former Congressman, Mike Honda, and Naoko Fujii participated in the event at the invitation of Nina Chuang, President & CEO of the Associated Students San José State University.