2016 Scholarship Recipients: (left to right) Megan Yabumoto, Kristen Masada, Leila Nakasone, Christopher Takeuchi, Kylie Kuwada, Alson Shikada, Jemma Jio
With the prospect of rain, this year’s scholarship luncheon, which is usually held at the IMB backyard, was moved to JAMsj at the last minute. The attendees fit comfortably in the upstairs conference room. The sandwich and salad buffet was set-up and everyone enjoyed lunch prior to the program. This year, there were seven recipients and all were present to receive their respective scholarships. During the awards program, each recipient announced where they will be attending in the fall and also shared their high school and community experiences.
The success of any event is dependent on volunteers, so I’d like to acknowledge the following individuals who helped at the luncheon: Gary Jio, Dr. Mitsu Kumagai, Iris Lou, Terry and Tom Oshidari, Joyce and Margie Oyama and Marge Tsuji.
(article by Sharon Uyeda)