Purchase a "Never Again" T-Shirt!


75 years ago, Executive Order 9066 was signed and 120,000 loyal Japanese-Americans, 70% of them US citizens, had their rights and freedoms forcibly taken away from them and placed in concentration camps. We cannot let this happen again to any other group of citizens based on their race, religion or country of birth.  Stand up for their rights.

If you would like to order a "Never Again" T-Shirt, please fill in the form below. NOTE: Certain sizes are limited. Shirts are $15 (Adult sizes only). You may pay by check or credit card. Please make checks payable to San Jose JACL.

You will be notified when your t-shirt arrives for pick-up. Pick-up will be at the IMB building, 565 N. 5th Street, San Jose, 95112. If you would like your t-shirts mailed to you, please add $7.50/shirt to cover postage and handling (domestic only).

All proceeds will be used for San Jose JACL's educational outreach programs. If you are interested in learning more, please visit the San Jose JACL website at: http://sanjosejacl.org.